
Here at Abbey Primary we aim is to replace missing early experiences by developing positive pupil relationships with both teachers and peers in a positive environment.

What is Nurture?

A Nurture group is a social based intervention run by a fully qualified Nurture  Practitioner.

Nurture groups are designed to address the social and emotional needs that can hamper pupils’ learning. The activities offered will help social skills, to develop confidence and self respect , and take pride in behaving well and achieving.

There is a special emphasis on developing language and communication, pupils are given both the time they need to listen and be listened to. 

Nurture groups are also designed to give pupils  vital opportunities for social learning, for example by encouraging them to share food at snack time and to help others in the group.

The friendly supportive relationship between the Nurture provider is also itself an important source of learning – a model for the pupils to observe and copy.

What do we do?

  • Collaborative games to encourage turn taking and sharing.
  • The use of puppets to encourage quieter children to have a voice and build confidence and self esteem.
  • Care of and responsibility for our class pets (Goldfish) cleaning and feeding.
  • A daily chief who lays the table for snack and washes the dishes at the end of the session.