
Important Hub information

Message from NPT Local Authority   Dear Parent / Carer   In response to the early lockdown period, Neath Port Talbot local authority provided hub childcare facilities for critical workers. This was an immediate response to the emergency childcare needs for those on the frontline of the national cause to minimise the impact of the […]

Preparation Days

The school will be closed to pupils in order to prepare for all children to return to school.

Phased return to school

Reception and Year 1 Year 2 Letter Dosbarth Mr Mellin, Mrs Powell, Mrs Hanks, Mr Richards & Mr Alex Davies Dosbarth Mr Thomas and Mr Aaron Davies Cool Club Nursery Letter

Wear Something Yellow to School in support of World Mental Health Day

We’ve all been going through a difficult time, so wearing yellow today is a way of showing solidarity with young people and helping them know that they’re not alone. Looking after our wellbeing has never been more important and too many young people still feel ashamed to open up about how they’re feeling. The more […]

Flu Vaccinations

The school nurses will be coming in to administer the nasal flu vaccination to our Reception to Year 6 pupils where parents have returned the consent forms. Consent forms have now been sent out - please return to school as soon as possible. Thank you