Inset Day
School is closed to pupils for staff training.
School Photographs
The school photographer will be coming in to take individual portraits on Tuesday 28th September. Unfortunately, due to restrictions on visitors coming into school we will not be having family groups this year.
Flu Vaccinations
The school nurses will be coming in to administer the flu vaccination to pupils in Reception to Year 6. Parental consent is required. Please read the following leaflet for more information: Patient Leaflet (004)
School will be closed to all pupils for a staff training day.
Children in Need
On Friday 19th November we will be supporting Children in Need in school. Pupils can come to school dressed in pyjamas/spots. Donations via parentpay.
Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day
Come to school dressed in your Christmas jumper! We will be recording class songs throughout the day - stopping only to eat Christmas dinner at lunchtime.