
AM Nursery class assembly

Parents and grandparents are welcome to come along to the end of year class assembly at our Early Years.

PM Nursery class assembly

Parents and grandparents are welcome to come along to the end of year class assembly at our Early Years.

Mrs Lewis Year 1 class assembly

Parents and grandparents are welcome to come along to the end of year class assembly at our infant site hall.

Mrs Williams year 1 class assembly

Parents and grandparents are welcome to come along to the end of year class assembly at our infant site hall.

Mrs Ryans Reception class assembly

Parents and grandparents are welcome to come along to the end of year class assembly at our infant site hall.

Year 2 class assembly

Parents and grandparents are welcome to come along to the end of year assembly for Mr Mellin and Miss Hanks classes.

Year 3-Year 6 Assembly

Dwr y Felin Comprehensive

Year 3 to Year 6 pupils will be holding an end of year assembly at Dwr-y-Felin main hall. The assembly will start at 2.30pm and finish at approximately 3.20pm. Parents are requested to collect their child/children from Dwr-y-Felin.

Year 6 Leavers Disco

Longford Memorial Hall

Our Year 6 pupils are invited to Longford Memorial Hall at 5.30pm until 7.00pm for end of school disco.