Lateral Flow Tests for younger children

The Omicron variant of Covid is currently circulating amongst children in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.

Primary School age children – Symptoms in younger age groups are not typical of covid and the virus can present itself in a number of different ways (this could be a new continuous cough, a high temperature, loss of or change to sense of smell or taste, headache, fatigue, sore throat, congestion or generally feeling unwell)

Rapid Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) are really important in knowing if a child is infected and helping to keep our schools open.

When there are two or more cases of COVID-19 reported in 7 days in a class, parents will be sent letters asking them to follow a number of areas of advice. If you receive a warn and inform letter from your school, please:

follow the advice – including monitoring your child for symptoms, maintaining regular handwashing and testing your child daily for a 7 day period using an LFT (if your child is over the age of 5).

if your child gets a positive lateral flow test result, do not send them to school and follow the self-isolation guidance immediately

report the test result within 24 hours (whether positive, negative or void) on or by calling 119

cooperate with Test Trace Protect (TTP) if they call you or if you receive an eform

Please help to break the chain of infection and keep our children in school.

School Nursing Service

The School Nursing Service are offering drive-through, catch-up flu vaccinations for any child who missed their in-school vaccinations. These will start this Saturday the 6th of November. These sessions will take place every weekend in November between 10am and 4pm at the former COVID testing facility at Longlands lane playing fields in Margam, SA13 2NR. No appointment needed. The service is for pupils from Reception to Year 11.